The CIHSofL meets quarterly at 11 a.m. on the first Saturday of these months (February, May, August, November) at the Bluebonnet Branch of the East Baton Rouge Parish Library at 9200 Bluebonnet Blvd. in Baton Rouge, LA. Our meetings are also conducted online via Zoom when possible (unless otherwise noted). Meetings are open to the public and membership to our society is open to all, regardless of Canarian ancestry or kinship. Meetings are free to attend and membership to our society is frr as well with a recommended donation of $20 per year. Click on the membership link for more information.
One of the primary goals of CIHSofL is to assist in the genealogy of Isleño descendants in Louisiana today. We work closely with libraries and archives throughout the state of Louisiana, including the Catholic Diocese of Baton Rouge. Become a member of CIHSofL and we can assist you with our genealogical resources, including some materials from the Canaries.

Throughout the year, the CIHSofL remains active in the community, participating in historical events that pertain to the Spanish colonial history of Valenzuela and Galveztown. As a member of CIHSofL, you will be invited to several events throughout the year.
Dignitaries from the around the world, especially those connected to Spain and the Canaries, visit with the CIHSofL and participate in cultural exchanges.

Many CIHSofL members travel to other festivals in the state, promoting the heritage of the Canary Islanders of Louisiana. Often, the society hosts an information booth, staffed with volunteers that interact with festival attendees and answer questions regarding to the CIHSofL and Isleño history.
All of the hard work culminates every year in March for the annual Los Isleños Fiesta held in St. Bernard Parish. The CIHSofL partners with Los Isleños Heritage and Culture Society in promoting and displaying the full history of our ancestors. The fiesta features food, music, dancing, arts and crafts, as well as activities for kids. Each year, a different folkloric group of musicians and dancers from the Canary Islands perform throughout the weekend. All members are encouraged to attend with their families for a weekend full of fun and history.

2023 Officers and Board Members
President - Chad J. LeBlanc
Vice-President - Wade Falcon
Treasurer - Shaun VanHorn
Secretary - Alisa Janney
Board Member - Janelle Hickey
Board Member - Rose Marie Powell
Board Member - Johnette Downing
Board Member - Steve Estopinal