Welcome to the website of the Canary Islanders Heritage Society of Louisiana, a cultural, historical, and genealogical society dedicated to promoting the history and heritage of our ancestry of the Canary Islands, with emphasis on those who lived at the settlement of Galveztown and Valenzuela in south Louisiana. Over twenty years ago, our society was formed to preserve and promote the culture of our Isleño ancestors who came to Louisiana in the late 18th century in search of a better life. We also promote cultural exchanges between Louisiana and the Canaries.
The last couple of years have presented us with a challenge to keep our meetings going through this difficult time. Be sure to add yourself to our email list and you'll receive the link to join our meetings using Zoom.
To visit our previously recorded Zoom meetings, click here for our YouTube page.
"2024 Los Isleños Fiesta"
Mar 2, 2024 - Mar 3, 2024
Los Islenos Fiesta will be on the grounds of the Islenos Museum 1357 Bayou Road, St. Bernard, La. Entrance Fee $5.00- Children 12 Yrs. and under Free. No Pets , No Ice Chest and No Firearms allowed on the festival grounds. Bring your family and enjoy great food, music, living history, crafts, rides and much more!
The folkloric group San Borondon from La Laguna will form the cultural centerpiece of the 2024 Fiesta, performing both days.

May 4, 2024 11:00 AM Central Time (US and Canada)
The spring quarterly meeting of the society will take place at 11am on Saturday, May 4, 2024 at the Bluebonnet Branch of the East Baton Rouge Parish Library at 9200 Bluebonnet Blvd, in Baton Rouge.
Speaker and meeting agenda TBA.
The meeting is open to the public.
Zoom Link: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/9334470477
Meeting ID: 933 447 0477